Saturday, August 14, 2010

Alhamdulillah, it is YOU

Once, I used to regret on everything which is bad happened to me. The regrets were so great up until a point that I really wish that I can be a time traveler and I can undone all the unwanted things that had happened.

Then, a real good friend of mine said, are you sure whether it is what I really want?and then he said, if he was me, he would not do it because he feels he will gonna miss things that he have for today which are his friends, family and etc. He said he wont trade it wit anything else in the world cause he feels he was blessed enough for it. My reaction... I was totally speechless and stumbled. And after that, when I wish that I can be a time traveler again, I remembered his words and I said Alhamdulillah for the path that Allah has paved it for me.

Few days ago were not turned too much for m. I was feeling totally over-pressured myself. If there is a 1000 people that I care about so much, first, I will think on how to make this 1000 people happy and then I'll be only thinking about myself as the 1001th people that need to take care of. There was time is my secondary school when my mom said to me that do not u ever try to take your pressures back home. and today, I really think that I had done it again. I'm so terribly sorry and I have no other words to say.

During this chaotic moment, another good friend of mine said that I need to start thinking about myself first so that I can pleased others. Treating myself as the first person out of 1001th people so that I would not snapped or overloaded like what had happened.

"am I happy?"

"how do I feel about it?"

For whom that i care so much, i was regretting about our past, about the way that Allah has paved it for us. And now, i do have answers for it. Alhamdulillah to this wonderful path that u have pave it for me. Because Allah knows the best. And for people that i care so much, Alhamdulillah, it is YOU, who i care so much