Sunday, July 25, 2010


I'm grateful to Him who has given me a chance to live another day in this world for everything that he gave me, everything that he gives me and everything that he will give me. And I'm not a man with a much words so I will keep it simple as much as i can.

I will try to post everything that is interesting and hopefully it will give a bit of inspirations to my readers because i do believe as long as we still have the smallest tiny of hope, then we will never give up on everything that we wish to do.

I guess this is it for now. And I'll be back as soon as with an inspiration to inspire my readers. Salam to all. May Allah bless you, my fellow brothers and sisters in Islam.

1 comment:

  1. wahhh, da ada blog.. yes3 dpt jd org pertama komen.. well, i wish u WELCOME to BLOG-world! =)
